Studies – Page 5 – ETSINF School of Informatics: UPV


  • (7)

Elective Subjects – General Block

16/Nov/2017 (5532 Views) Studies
Analítica Digital Dosier Asignatura   Computación Científica Dosier Asignatura   Análisis Avanzado de Datos en Ingeniería ...
New Elective Subjects 4th GII

New Elective Subjects 4th GII

16/Nov/2017 (8221 Views) Studies
Resumen Optativas Bloque Ciberseguridad Bloque General Bloque Informática Industrial Bloque Multimedia y WEB Bloque Salud Bloque Videojuegos

Master’s Degree in Big Data Analytics

27/Sep/2017 (17431 Views) Studies
The postgraduate degree represented by this UPV Diploma Specialising in Big Data responds to the great demand for people to be trained ...

Previous degrees (now defunct)

27/Sep/2017 (9944 Views) Studies
All information on previous degrees which were taught at ETSINF can be viewed at the following link contact

Doctorate in Computer

27/Sep/2017 (10020 Views) Studies
The objective of the Doctorate in Computing is to train students to perform tasks in the research, development, innovation, and ...

External Master’s Degrees

27/Sep/2017 (13844 Views) Studies
Master en Computación en la Nube y de Altas Prestaciones Los expertos prevén un gran crecimiento de la computación Cloud y de Altas ...

ETSINF’s Master’s Degrees

27/Sep/2017 (27891 Views) Studies
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering We train highly-qualified professionals to perform their jobs to peak level by offering ...