ETSINF’s Master’s Degrees

Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering

We train highly-qualified professionals to perform their jobs to peak level by offering advanced training thus providing them with the skills needed to plan and design products, processes, and equipment in all fields of Computer Engineering.

The master’s degree has been designed with a clearly professional focus, it considers how Computer Engineering is used in companies and institutions. Students’ professional development will be most notable via their end of master’s degree project in technology companies, seminars taught by professionals in the sector, the promotion of entrepreneurship, and the development of skills associated with professional practices.

Duration: 120 ECTS credits

Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence

It will be taught blended from the 2023-24 academic year. (50% face-to-face and 50% non-face-to-face)

The technology and infrastructures that are part of cyberspace are strategic elements, transversal to all areas of activity, with cyberspace vulnerability being one of the main risks for our development as a nation. Therefore, the training of professionals of the highest level in this field appears fully justified.

Outstanding international companies, based in the Valencian Community, support the Master from the Master’s advisory council and offer real internships to students who take this specialized training. It is also the only official Master in Spain that includes content oriented to Cyberintelligence as a disruptive aspect of Cybersecurity.

Duration: 90 ECTS credits

Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities

We train professionals in the humanistic field in the application of digital technologies and tools to tasks of analysis, management, dissemination, digital literacy and communication in topics specific to the Humanities and Social Sciences, digital heritage and cultural industries, in order to Provide professional added value.

These professionals will thus be able to base their work on any sector for which they work, carrying out a critical analysis of the impact of technology, based on ethics and the knowledge of its applicability to the current human, social and digital reality. To this end, this master’s degree offers knowledge of the most advanced digital techniques in the field of digital humanities, thus training expert professionals in the design and management of projects, technological analysis, educational or informative strategies, integrating appropriate digital methodologies and tools. to your needs.

This master’s degree is taught blended (40% face-to-face and 60% non-face-to-face).

Duration: 60 ECTS credits

Of the total of 600 hours of the title, 357 of them are non-contact.


Given that the teaching is carried out in Spanish, and in order to ensure that the students are able to follow all the training activities, the accreditation of a level equivalent to B2 of Spanish will be required for the admission of students from non-Spanish-speaking countries. , certified by any of the organizations recognized by ACLES (Association of Higher Education Language Centers in Spain) and that must be verified and validated in the accreditation issued by the UNED.

Students who have completed their studies in educational systems that use Spanish as the vehicular language will be exempt from this accreditation.

Double Master in Computer Engineering and Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence

The Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering (120 ECTS) has a professional orientation, training highly qualified professionals capable of adequately carrying out the profession of computer engineering, offering advanced training that develops aspects of direction and management of technology companies and computer projects, deepens the learning of technological aspects and introduces students to the different areas of application of Computer Engineering, enabling them to work in innovative environments and multidisciplinary contexts, applying principles of ethical responsibility, legislation and professional deontology.

Although computer engineering is not a regulated profession, the Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering is the official university degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Computer Engineer, as established by the Resolution of June 8, 2009 of the General Secretariat of Universities ( BOE of August 4, 2009).

For its part, the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence (90 ECTS) also has a professional orientation, training specialists capable of implementing and comprehensively addressing the security of information and communications systems, beyond the traditional concepts of computer security, taking into account the most innovative vulnerability analysis techniques, secure hardware and software development, generation of intelligence on threats through various techniques, situational cyber awareness and protection of IoT devices (internet of things), industrial systems and critical infrastructures, without forgetting training in legal and ethical aspects, especially relevant in cybersecurity and cyber intelligence.

The double degree option “University Master in Computer Engineering” (MUIINF) – “University Master in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence” (MUCC) is very beneficial both for interested students, as well as for companies and society in general. It allows you to obtain two Master’s degrees through an integrated academic path. All this, with a lower teaching load, taking one less semester, by recognizing optional subjects from the MUIINF with equivalent subjects in the MUCC and vice versa, with a lower economic cost than if both master’s degrees were taken separately.

Master Structure

Admission criteria

Admission to the MUIINF double master’s degree with the MUCC requires pre-registration and admission to the latter. The requirement to be able to pre-register at the MUCC under the double degree modality is to have passed 60 ECTS at the MUIINF. Any MUIINF student who meets this requirement can formalize pre-registration at the MUCC within the established deadlines. Ultimately, it will be the MUCC Academic Committee that, after analyzing the academic progression of the students, will decide on admission to this master’s degree, under the double degree modality.

The requirement to organize students to cover the 5 places offered for the 24/25 course will be the following: 60 credits approved in the MUIINF and in addition two priority groups are defined (group 1 will have higher priority):

  • Group 1: 60% average grade of the MUIINF file + 40% average grade of the completed file of the Computer Engineering Degree.
  • Group 2: 60% average grade of the MUIINF file + 40% average grade of the Computer Engineering Degree file.
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