Charla ARA: Verification and Validation Tools for Java (4/5/2011)

Johann Schumann, (NASA Ames, USA) imparte una charla sobre herramientas de verificación y validación en java dentro del marco de las charlas ARA. La charla tendrá lugar el miércoles 4 de mayo a las 15:00 en el Salón de Actos de la ETSINF.

Las charlas ARA son impartidas por profesionales de diferentes ámbitos con el fin de ofrecer una visión del mercado laboral internacional a nuestros futuros titulados. Se imparten en inglés y están abiertas a todos los estudiantes de la ETSINF.


Verification and Validation Tools for Java

As more and more Java software finds it way into areas where quality, reliability, and software safety plays an important role, the verification and validation (V&V) of such code is paramount. Unfortunately, traditional approaches to software testing are extremely expensive and labor intensive. Therefore, approaches and tools, which help to find errors and bugs as early as possible, help to find hard-to-test errors, and support the automatic generation of test suites, are extremely helpful and important. In this seminar, we will focus on advanced open source tools for V&V of Java code, some of which have been developed at NASA.

In this seminar we will cover the role and importance of V&V in modern Software Engineering. We will talk
about early bug detection with Findbugs and the use of model checking to validate a graphical user interface. Key features of these tools will be demonstrated. For this part of the seminar, only basic knowledge about programming in Java is required.

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