The ETSINF Secretariat and the Polytechnic University of Valencia open different deadlines, during the months of February 2019, for the next administrative procedures:

See all the details below:

Call for April Defense Degree Final Project

  • Deadline: to present the work and request the defense until MARCH 20, 2019
  • How is it requested? Through the management application of TFG / TFM Ebrón of the student’s intranet.
  • More information

Call for April Defense Master’s Final Project

  • Deadline: to present the work and request the defense until MARCH 20, 2019
  • How is it requested? Through the management application of TFG / TFM Ebrón of the student’s intranet./strong>
  • More information

Admission of students for continuation of university studies

  • Deadline: Submission of applications from FEBRUARY 18 to MARCH 1
  • Where is it requested? The detailed procedure to follow on the UPV Student Service website.
  • More information

Extraordinary Evaluation MASTER Act Subjects SEMESTER A

  • Deadline: From 4 to 10 of MARCH 2019
  • It establishes the possibility of carrying out extraordinary evaluation events, outside the established deadlines, in order to facilitate that students who have a reduced number of pending subjects to complete their studies without having to wait a year for the evaluation in an ordinary way.
    Where is it requested? Secretariat of the ETSINF

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Class Attendance Waiver for Bachelor and Master – SEMESTER B

  • Deadline: Open throughout the semester ONLY for very justified causes that have occurred since the day after the deadline (as of February 27, 2019).
  • Very important: Due to very justified causes may occur throughout the semester.
    Where is it requested? From the Intranet of the UPV, section ‘Virtual Secretariat / Requests’
  • More information

Call for social action help “UPV Students” 2018/2019

  • Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications will be from March 11 to April 12, 2019
  • Students wishing to apply for it must do so electronically through their Intranet (section Requests/ Request for scholarships).
    As a novelty in the call for this course, the income thresholds have been modified equal to those of the general scholarship call of GVA, and the academic requirements have been lowered, in terms of the academic performance of the previous year.
  • More informtion (Check the call)
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